Get on board the blog party

OK guys, so this is my first time doing something like this.....

I've joined the 2013 Valentine's Day Blogging Party hosted by this lovely lady and a bunch of her blogger friends. I follow Lauren's blog pretty regularly and thought it was time to put my bloggin self out there and be an active participant. I submitted my name and blog and was paired up with a fellow blog lover for a Valentine's Day gift exchange (Hi Megan!) What happens is that we send each other a thoughtful gift in the mail by Feb. 7 then share our surprises on our blogs. It's like a virtual party and gift exchange - how cool is that?! AND you get something fun in the mail, which is always a bonus.

I already have some ideas in mind for my new blog friend. Stay tuned for our exchange....and be sure to check out her blog: She's got a precious new baby and TONS of pets, which I'm very jealous of :-)

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